Liberty Avenue Bond Project Details and InformationNovember 5th Election

Frequently Asked Questions

Snow Removal

How do you decide if crews will conduct snow removal outside of normal hours of operation?
Do you salt and sand gravel roads?
What are the hours of operation for snow removal?
When will my road be plowed?
Why does it take so long to clear gravel roads?
The post office will not deliver my mail because of the snow in front of my mailbox. Will the County be out to remove this snow?
Does the County repair damaged mailboxes caused by snow removal?

Dust Control

How do I apply for dust control?
Why is my dust control getting bladed?

General Information

How can I get notifications or information on road closures and construction projects?
How do I add a new or widen an existing driveway or field entrance?
Does the County provide culverts for driveways?
Why does the County mow and/or trim trees in front of my house?
What is Right-of-Way?

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